Tier 2” Physical Fitness Test for Defenders
Defender Nation,
Last week your MAJCOM Security Forces Directors came together in San Antonio to work together on several strategic items for the Security Forces Enterprise (SFE). In true Defender fashion, we started the week off with PT. However, this wasn’t just any PT session, your Directors got to experience the Prototype for our new “Tier 2” Physical Fitness Test (PFT). Over the next year, all Defenders will experience the test.
2022 will be an exciting year for the SFE as we work toward official adoption of our Tier 2 PFT. Starting in early 2022, the Exercise Science Unit (ESU) will send small mobile teams to key locations world-wide to implement the Prototype by training SF Defenders to administer the PFT in their units. This is a great opportunity for Defenders to unofficially take the PFT and provide valuable feedback. Then in the Fall of 2022, all Defenders will have multiple opportunities to take the final version of the SF Tier 2 PFT during a multi-month adaptation period prior to official adoption, not yet determined.
As we move ahead on this effort with the ESU, it will take an Enterprise effort to ensure we are focused on enhancing Defender physical fitness to ensure our continued success as Operational ready Defenders!
Important Note: The above photos are NOT the test components…these are the task that drove the development of the components…which are pending approval…once all components are approved, we will have a DFC ALL call to ensure Defender Nation is tracking.
Defenders…Fit To Fight!
Stay Safe…Happy Holidays!
Brig Gen Collins
Director of Security Forces