Camaraderie. The bond of warriors of all generations ties the members of AFSFA together in a unique way. From Kimpo, Korea, to Kirkuk, Iraq, the Security Forces have served together to defend American resources against all enemies.
Support today's Security Forces. As the Air Force goes through major reorganization and the role of the Security Forces changes, we maintain a tremendous pride in the men and women who wear the beret today. They are performing duties that earlier generations never dreamed would be a role for the force. The equipment and training are the best in the world. The demands put on the troops by the ops tempo place pressure on them and their families unlike any before. AFSFA takes seriously our responsibility to give a helping hand wherever we can.
Our heritage. We feel obligated to capture the history of the career field for those who will come after us. An ongoing project has been a major research effort to produce a definitive history of the career field. Many members consider this a most important part of AFSFA.