The Security Forces Pledge
I am a Security Forces member,
I hold allegiance to my country,
devotion to duty and personal
integrity above all.
I will wear my badge
of authority with dignity and restraint,
and will promote by example
high standards of conduct,
appearance, courtesy,
and performance.
I seek no favor
because of my position.
I perform my duties in a firm,
courteous, and impartial manner,
irrespective of a person's
color, race, religion, national
orgin or sex.
I strive to merit
the respect of my fellow Airmen
and all with whom I
come in contact.
The Bond of The Blue Beret
It may have had its origin back as far as the Revolutionary War, this bond that ties us so firmly together. But, whenever it started, it developed slowly through the years, forged in adversity, strengthened by danger, tried by endless hours of mind numbing boredom, honed by the terror of battle, and brought to fruition by the exhilaration of our achievements.
It withstood the bitter years of World War II, the frustrations of Korea, and the agony of Viet Nam; reveled in the revival that began with Grenada and Panama; stood steadfastly through the long grinding years of the Cold War; and blossomed brilliantly in the sands of Saudi Arabia during Desert Storm. It is a gem hidden in the folds of brotherhood that, in a larger sense, binds together all who have ever served beneath our country’s colors. It is unique to us, the men and women of the United States Air Force Security Police (Forces).
Because of it, we have a special sense of pride in our calling, in our comrades, and in ourselves. Down deep we know that our standing on the stone, enduring the bite of the “Old Hawk,” or sweltering in the sun; our suffering the benign neglect of those who should have known better; our fighting desperately in a jungle, on a frozen hill, or in burning desert sand; or our going quietly in harm’s way while those we guarded slept made a difference.
But, why is this bond so different—so unique? It is because we cared for each other in a special way. From the youngster standing his first post to the highest-ranking noncommissioned officer and officer, we had a special place in our hearts for all who wore the shield.
That caring spanned the great diversity of our duties, tied us together in the face of adversity, and made us a family in the truest sense. Because of it, there was always a helping hand, a word of comfort or encouragement, a boost when the going got tough, and a friend when one was needed. It endures forever and, because of it, we are never alone. How fortunate we are to share in this bond—The Bond of the Blue Beret.
William R. Brooksher
BGen USAF (Ret)
Security Forces Prayer
(Adopted as the official prayer in 1980)
Lord, you have called us to be guardians of a nation founded on Your principles.
Whatever our tasks as Security Force men and women, we do them to serve You and our nation.
We are proud to accept the responsibility of this high calling.
We dedicate ourselves to our vocation, and ask for guidance and courage
in aiding our people to live with dignity, in safety and peace.
We know true security comes from your presence, so we pray with the Psalmist:
You bless those who obey You, Lord; Your love protects them like a shield.
Use us, O Lord, as shields for Your people, reflecting Your security and peace.
The origin and the authorship of the official Security Forces prayer may be of interest to the Association members. The author is our Executive Director, Colonel (ret) Jerry Bullock. In 1980 when he wrote the prayer, he was serving with BGen WIlliam R. Brooksher as the deputy commander of the Air Force Office of Security Police, the #2 job in the career field. Colonel Bullock is an ordained minister, and he approached the General to get permission to write a prayer that could be used at Security Police (now Forces) functions.
A Proud Heritage
Since the formation of the United States Air Force in 1947 the Air Force Air Police/Security Police/Security Forces have defended Air Force bases and installations around the world.
Beginning with the Korean conflict, it became clear that the USAF needed the capability to defend its aircraft and other resources around the world. For the lack of this basic skill, bases were lost in the early days when the North Koreans invaded South Korea.
The Air Base Defense School was established at Parks AFB, California. Peacetime returned and the lessons were soon forgotten -- until 1965 when US Airmen and aircraft once again came under attack, this time in Vietnam. With little previous training and largely trained in the field, the Air Police/Security Police acquitted themselves well, maintaining the integrity of ten air bases until the USAF left Vietnam.
USAF Security Forces are charged with maintaining order and insuring the security of USAF resources around the world, including the majority of our nation's nuclear sites. In every conflict our Security Forces members have entered into the fray, defending the bases and/or other resources while at the same time maintaining law and order on the installations.