AFSFA Front Page


Message from the Executive Director.

Welcome to the NEW AFSFA website. While there have been large changes in the pages format and presentation and the drop down menus at the top still bring you most of the same options we have come to know and use. It is important to point out the buttons at the top right, these are great shortcuts: "Sitemap" will display all your drop down options; "Login" starts the member login process; "Join" will take you directly to the on-line process to begin becoming a member; and there is a "Search" function to help you find something specific when you enter a key word or phrase. You will also notice a calendar on the right side listing dates of up coming AFSFA meetings and some like the Seattle listing will include links. At the bottom of the articles on the Home Page you will see a "Read More", click on this to get the full article and accompanying photos. Members who are logged in can now post comments at the bottom of any of the news articles. Anyone on the site can read the posted comments but ONLY logged in AFSFA members can post them. Under "About Us" we have added listings for Regional Directors, the AFSFA Hall of Fame and more links you may find helpful. The chapter listing will soon have a US map to show chapter locations. We have also started posting Tiger Flight archives. We will continue to build this library as more back copies are scanned. But remember, ONLY members have full access to this library so you will need to be logged in. We hope you enjoy the improvements to the web site and look forward to your feedback.

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BoD Mid Year Meeting
23 March 2024
San Antonio, TX

38th National Meeting
25-29 September 2024
Pensacola, FL

Hotel Reservation
Use Group Code AFS
Meeting Registration
Documents Link

39th National Meeting
20-24 August 2025
Fort Worth, TX

40th National Meeting
Dates TBD
Washington DC