
By Johann R. Kinsey, Colonel, TXSG, Vice Commander, Air Component Command

SA Homeless Vet Furneral

It’s a sad fact that hardly a couple weeks goes by and there is a Homeless Veteran Funeral at the Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery. Sometimes, in the past, there was no one in attendance … a very sad state of affairs for the final event in a Veteran’s life time. Here in San Antonio, there is an organization of retired Colonels and Navy Captains who support the Fisher House program at Lackland AFB with an annual fund drive. Additionally, the local VA office notifies us when a Homeless Veteran is scheduled to be buried at the military cemetery and we put the word out for volunteers to attend so that the Veteran gets a proper send-off complete with military honors. On the day this photograph was taken, we had two Homeless Veterans to honor…an Air Force Veteran and a Navy Veteran. We are honored to volunteer are services in support of this initiative. As you can see by the photograph, our Air Force Security Forces are also represented at these events.