Military Working Dog Heritage Museum and Handler Center Is Online

By Dixie Whitman

The Fort Benning War Dog Memorial Virtual 20th Dedication and Reunion opened up online on the morning of 8 October 2020 at

“Since the original dedication, the War Dog Monument has provided a sacred place for members of every branch to reunite and rekindle the memories of dog handlers and military working dogs. We are honored to present a virtual 20th reunion tribute, an opportunity to witness a few images of these intimate and emotional events, beginning in 2000. Thanks to everyone who submitted photos and videos for this event.” Albert Johnson, proud partner of Johnny F728

Throughout the years, the Fort Benning War Dog Dedication and Re-dedications honored heroes, provided emotional healing, and connected dog handlers with their legacy. Although events were never the same, their focus always centered around remembrance and respect for the war dog community.

Our organization, Military Working Dog Heritage Museum and Handler Center (MWDHM), focuses both energies and efforts of the military working dog community towards discovering, safeguarding, and preserving the legacy and heritage of work with our cherished K9 partners. We envision ourselves as creators of a dynamic museum which will showcase our K9 heritage while inspiring and educating the leaders of tomorrow.

Cognizant that the museum is a prodigious project, we are sowing seeds of inclusion, creativity, and transparency . As a newly-forming 501 c 3 organization, we  recruited outstanding, passionate leaders from every military branch to serve on our Board of Directors.  We have handlers from the Vietnam War as well as the Global War on Terrorism. We have "been there, done that". 

Our goal is to be accessible and to keep our supporters advised of our activities and progress along the way.  In addition to the current forms of communication, we hope to get a newsletter started soon. We invite you to stop by our website and Facebook page "Military Working Dog Heritage Museum" and encourage us as we grow. This project will require a mighty effort and we will be looking for guidance and support along the way from the entire military working dog community.  The team at MWDHM humbly invites you to join us on this journey.  We may be on the road a little while but the destination will be glorious.   For additional information contact:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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